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更新时间:2024-09-20 19:53:41

  1、Jingle Bells(铃儿响叮当)歌词:

  Dashing through the snow;

  In a one- horse open sleigh;

  Over the fields we go;

  Laughing all the way;

  Bells on bobtails ring;

  Making spirits bright;

  What fun it is to ride and sing;

  A sleighing song tonight;

  OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells;

  Jingle all the way;

  Oh,what fun it is to ride;

  In a one-horse open sleigh;

  Jingle bells,jingle bells;

  Jingle all the way;

  Oh,what fun it is to ride;

  In a one-horse open sleigh;

  A day or two ago;

  I thought I take a ride;

  And soon Miss Fanny Bright;

  was seated by my side;

  The horse was lean and lank;

  Misfortune seemed his lot;

  He's got into a drifted bank;

  And we, we got upsot;

  OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells;

  Jingle all the way;

  Oh,what fun it is to ride;

  In a one-horse open sleigh;

  Jingle bells,jingle bells;

  Jingle all the way;

  Oh,what fun it is to ride;

  In a one-horse open sleigh;

  A day or two ago;

  The story I must tell;

  I went out on the snow;

  And on my back I fell;;

  A gent was riding by;

  In a one-horse open sleigh;

  He laughed as there I sprawling lie;

  But quickly drove away.;

  OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells;

  Jingle all the way;

  Oh,what fun it is to ride;

  In a one-horse open sleigh;

  Jingle bells,jingle bells;

  Jingle all the way;

  Oh,what fun it is to ride;

  In a one-horse open sleigh;

  Now the ground is white;

  Go it while you're young;

  Take the girls tonight;

  And sing this sleighing song;;

  Just get a bob-tailed bay ;

  two-forty as his speed;

  Hitch him to an open sleigh;

  And crack! you'll take the lead.;

  OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells;

  Jingle all the way;

  Oh,what fun it is to ride;

  In a one-horse open sleigh;

  Jingle bells,jingle bells;

  Jingle all the way;

  Oh,what fun it is to ride;

  In a one-horse open sleigh。


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