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首页 > 百科 > 情感 > 英文雨天说说心情短语


更新时间:2025-01-12 15:17:58

  1、又场雨落下,洗去闹市的尘埃,抚平心灵的噪音。Another rain, wash away the dust of the downtown, soothe the noise of the mind.

  2、教堂的钟声,沉淀了幸福所有的旋律,悠扬的传开。Church bells, precipitation of happiness, all the melody, melodious spread.

  3、下雨,总让人有的思绪随风漂远了。Rain, always let peoples thoughts drift away with the wind.

  4、天灰灰的,不是你一个人在忧伤;天下雨了,不是你一个人在哭泣。Its not you who are sad when its gray; you are not crying when it rains.

  5、下雨是因为天空承受不了雨滴的重量,而流泪是承受不住心的痛。Rain is because the sky can not bear the weight of raindrops, and tears are unable to bear the pain of the heart.


  Yesterdays reflection, todays understanding, tomorrows thorough, the day after tomorrows crying, a lifetime of giving up.

  7、你转身离开,才发现脸上早就湿了,以为是下雨了,没想到是心下雨了。You turn to leave, only to find that the face has been wet, thought it was rain, did not expect to be the heart of rain.


  Rain, from the umbrella gap into angel like tears, wet a ground.

  9、我没有想象的坚强,只是找不到让懦弱休息的地方。I did not imagine the strong, just cant find a place to rest the cowardly.

  10、感动不是下雨的时候你给我撑伞而是和我一起淋雨。Moving is not when you give me an umbrella, but with me in the rain.

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