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更新时间:2024-09-22 06:37:05

  1、Good morning, my name is yjbys, you can also call me Sweety.I am 25 years old and I'm from Jiangxi Province. After graduating from Jiangxi Management of Economy Cadre Institute, the trade economical specialty since 2001, I started to work. So now I have already had more than 6years' working experience. The knowledge I have learned in college and the 6year's working lead me to a person with strong responsiblity and high working efficiency. besides, i am ambicious and flexible. I am not only able to finish the task alone but also to cooperate with other people very well which requires good ablity of communication.

  Even though, my job in the past six years didn't require English skills that much, I am always very interested in it. What's more, I never stop learning English in my spare time. In my opinion, people improve in the process of work, they also learn from the job.I am a quick learner. So I am totally confident that I can do this job very well. I will try my best to take the responsibilty and do everything as good as I can. Please trust my loyalty and effort, you won't be let down.

  Thank you very much for interviewing me.




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