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首页 > 百科 > 生活 > 感悟2020展望2021英语作文


更新时间:2025-03-06 19:56:36

  1、We are like an elephant, walking slowly on the road of life, leaving precious footprints, but walking on as if nothing had happened. We always forget those things, but I want to turn around and ponder. Looking back on my 2020, I recall my silent efforts and rapid growth path.In 2020, my learning level will leap forward. I used to shake my hands when I picked up the paper and filled my head with paste. This year, I went from being bored with learning to loving learning and indulging in learning. This is worth mentioning. Because my level is from the middle group to the upper group. I can change my mothers often said sentence into: study makes me happy, I am happy with my mother, my mother is happy with the whole family. This is the year of learning.In 2020, I changed from sun annoying to sun fanen. Every time I do my homework, my mother urges me to accept it patiently no matter what, because she is very tired and tired from her days work, and I am happy to listen to her, why not do it? My mother urged me to say that maybe she was wrong, but she couldnt change like monkeys face. How upset she was! I think this is my biggest change. Even my mother noticed it and praised me. This is the year, I deeply understand.


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